Hearing Aids
The most common styles are listed below:
Hearing Aid Styles

In-The-Ear (ITE) or Full Shell (FS)
ITE: In-The-Ear (ITE) units are probably the most comfortable, the least expensive and the easiest to operate. They are also the largest of the custom made styles. This style is often available with the following options: Volume Control (VC), Omni (one mic) or Directional (two mics) microphone, and push-button (multi-program control).

In-The-Canal (ITC)
ITC: In-The-Canal (ITC) units are a little more expensive than ITEs. They require good dexterity to control the volume wheels and other controls on the faceplate, and they are smaller than ITEs. This style is often available with the following options: Volume Control (VC), Omni (one mic) or Directional (two mics) microphone, and push-button (multi-program control).

Completely-In-the-Canal (CIC)
CIC: Completely-In-the-Canal (CIC) units are the tiniest hearing aids made. They usually require a "removal string" due to their small size and the fact that they fit so deeply into the canal. CICs can be difficult to remove without the pull string. Typically CICs do not usually have manual controls attached to them because they are too small.

Micro Completely-In-the-Canal
Micro CIC: Micro Completely-In-the-Canal is a custom hearing aid crafted to fit entirely in your ear canal. This style aid shares many of the characteristics of a CIC, but with a deeper fit in the canal that makes it virtually invisible. However, one limitation of this style is not everyone is a candidate for this aid due to ear canal size restrictions.

Micro Behind-The-Ear (BTE)
Micro BTE: Micro Behind-The-Ear (BTE) hearing aids are one of the more recently developed styles on the market and they are very appealing cosmetically. Micro BTEs are often only available in digital technology and typically can be fit without an ear impression (may allow for instant fitting). Micro BTEs are units that "sit" on the back of your ear and have a flexible thin hollow tube or a receiver in the canal (RIC) that fits into the ear canal. Depending on hearing loss needs, the tip of the tube can be setup as an open or closed fit with various rubber domes. The Micro BTE is also available in a power model, which is a combination of a CIC and Micro BTE. The CIC earmold for the Micro BTE Power is custom made from an ear impression to perfectly replicate the size and shape of your ear. The Micro BTE style is often available with the following options: Multiple color options, Remote Control, Directional microphones (two mics).

Behind-The-Ear (BTE)
BTE: Behind-The-Ear (BTE) hearing aids are the largest hearing aids and they are very reliable. BTEs have the most circuit options and they can typically have much more power than any of the custom made in the ear units. BTEs are the units that "sit" on the back of your ear. They are connected to the ear canal via custom-made plastic tubing. The tubing is part of the earmold. The earmold is custom made from an ear impression to perfectly replicate the size and shape of your ear. Some BTEs can be fit using a thin flexible tube without a traditional earmold; however, this option is only available for certain hearing losses.

Wireless Hearing Aid Accessories
Many hearing aids we offer come with optional features of Bluetooth® compatibility as well as accessories to help with various challenging listening situations, like TV watching and when talking on your cell phone. Assistive listening devices are available for your convenience and to further meet your communication needs.